Monday, 17 June 2013

Readying the Spitfire engine

More work on getting the Spitfire engine ready to run.  We will not having a heater so I found some old hose to bypass the heater circuit.  Top picture shows the SU carbs and radiator back on.

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Getting the Saab ready

Four of us stopped on Wednesday to get the Saab ready for next week.  We had etch primed the bare metal earlier in the day.  Then brush coated the high build primer over.

Early next week we intend to flat the bodywork ready to add the colour, lacquer and final polish later. 

Had lots of practice masking up this car.

Monday, 10 June 2013


Have been taking engines to bits for the last few weeks.  The college has many different engines to investigate.  In Steve Gilbertsons room  are these two special engines on left is a Sachs rotary workshop demonstration engine and on the right is an old inboard boat engine.

Spitfire thermostat

The Leeds City College Triumph Spitfire cooling system is very rusty.  Just look at that thermostat.  There was so much muck on the top of the thermostat it looked like muesli.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Skills portfolio evidence paperwork

I have just gone through the paperwork needed to evidence the skills learned as part of the Classic Car restoration course.  Have sent a copy of it all by email to all my fellow students. Will try to find some time to add in my photos.

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Spitfire build up - a rolling chassis

Now the Triumph Spitfire is being reassembled. Still needs a cooling system, fuel supply, brakes and a seat before we can think of running it on the football pitch out back of the college.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Old Escorts

Stopped off at the Ferrybridge services on my way to college this am. Saw these two rally car Ford Escorts both were covered in mud - somebody had had a good time over the weekend.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

taking it to pieces

Today spent half a day working with Dave and Mush removing and refitting parts of the body and trim on a Fiat seicentio. Took plenty of photos for our evidence portfolios.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Engine strip down

Spent today taking an old Ford engine to bits. Here is the evidence a full collection of parts.  The crankshaft shows little wear as do the other engine components. 

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Metalic paint

This is my test panel covered in blue metallic paint. We first sprayed the panel then did a repair. The section below the swage has been repaired and lacquered.

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Body Repair Assessment Record

To show practical attainment of various MAG welding skills I produced a number of test pieces which I will now photograph.The image above is an example of the first page of the body repair assessment record.

Link to word version of MAG welding test document.

The evidence

With the end of term comes the opportunity to catch up on some of the paperwork.  I have produced a pad saw handle, a sheet metal template and a block & stud to show the use of hands tools and equipment in motor vehicle engineering. This being a part of City & Guilds element of the course I need to evidence those skills. So now I need to photo my work and fill the form in.  Will email into college later. Link to word version of City & Guilds doc

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


The man from MIRKA visited today.  Got to see their range of sanding tools, polishing stuff and accessories in addition to their abrasives range.  It was interesting to compare the electric with the air powered.

The electric random orbit sander was very quiet - it was easy to chat at the same time as using it.  It worked off a 22v supply so no danger if the power lead were damaged.

The firm offer sanders with different amounts of orbit for different jobs - the finest had a 2.5mm orbit.

The polish compounds are clearly labelled so you can tell how coarse or fine they are.  A great and simple idea that I wish some other companies followed. 

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


SATA Spray gun cleaning machine
SATA Spray gun cleaning

Today we were visited by SATA. I knew they did spray guns and it was great to have them demonstrated. Before lunch we had a lecture about the company history, and the products. We got to use their gun wash machine, as pictured above. The standard of engineering is impressive. Everything just works.

Monday, 4 March 2013

Gear box strip down

Today spent the day taking a front wheel drive gearbox to bits. A Rover transverse box. It came apart fairly easily but took a lot more to get it all back together.

Friday, 1 March 2013

Spitfire suspension towers

The suspension towers I picked up from the Spitfire Graveyard have now been fitted to the rolling chassis. The towers look much better now the muck has been removed.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Graham Chapman Classic Cars

Graham Chapman of Graham Chapman Classic Cars visited us students at Leeds City College classic car restoration course.

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Jowett Javelin photo library

leeds-jowett's  album on Photobucket
A Photobucket account has been set up for the Leeds City college restoration work on the Jowett Javelin to be displayed.